
I don’t eat at Subway that often but everytime I go there I get really really annoyed. You look at the menu and pick a sandwich, they make it seem so simple. Then there’s the obligatory choice of bread. But what the hell is it with them asking what you want in the sandwich! Didn’t I just decide by picking it off the menu.
Me – “I’d like a Subway Club please, on wheat something bread”
Staff – “Do you want cheese in that?”
Now perhaps I’m being stupid but you wouldn’t walk into a restaurant order Lasagne and expect to be asked if you’d like pasta in it! My usual reply is “well put everything that’s supposed to be in it”. I don’t want to specify, perhaps I won’t get all the bits I want. I don’t remember them charging less if I don’t have olives, or dressing. You’ve got to get your moneys worth haven’t you! What if you missed out on some expensive meat, cheese or something. It would be really nice to walk in next time and hear the following reply instead, “Would you like all the things to make it look like the picture?” Since that’s what sold it to me, I’d like to be that sandwich. Perhaps I’m expecting to much.