80’s Party and Laeres Birthday

Two parties in one evening and a drunk Jon. The evening began about 7pm in San Jose for Tamara’s birthday party. She’s mad on the 80’s so we had to come in 80’s dress. To get over my shame I started drinking.
I’d secured a completely hideous jacket (complete with shoulder pads) and pink shirt for the occasion. Nikki went all out with red shoes, crimped hair and an amazingly large belt.

After a few beers we decided to head over for Laeres birthday party. They had a German theme, so bring on the sausages and German beer. This was not so good for me as I drank a little too much of it. For example, I don’t remember taking this picture.

1 thought on “80’s Party and Laeres Birthday

  1. Chester

    Hunh. Didn’t know you guys went to Tam’s party too…I unfortunately didn’t arrive till late — ’round 11 — and missed y’all.

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