People with pushchairs in town

I really, really hate it when people wander round town with their 6 year olds still in a pushchair. You’re just in town to get a few things, then from around a corner pops a pushchair. There’s no looking around the corner to see who’s coming…oh no that would be too considerate. If you own a pushchair then that makes them king of the pavement!

Ankle-guards at the ready; you’re going to need them if you choose to brave any city center on a Saturday morning. As you wander down the high street you become the target of a parent in a hurry, armed with their child ladened pushchair. They won’t just choose any moment to unleash the attack. The point of attack is normally carefully chosen at a point on the pavement where a lamp-post or sign causes the pavement to narrow. You’re walking through with plenty of room for people to pass and the parent comes full speed without a care in the world. Ramming the pushchair into your ankles backing off to repeat until you back away and let them past. This is usually followed by some muttering at they walk away.

So the trendy parents no longer have the boring 4 wheel pushchairs, they’ve got the new 3 wheel ones. I just don’t get it, when has 3 wheels ever been better than 4? These things just make the problem even worse because they can’t turn without lifting the front wheel. So now every time the stupid parents is ordered by their child to go to the next shop window they have to stop push down on the handle to lift the front whell. Of course these people are too stupid to do this whilst moving so they have to stop. There’s no consideration for the people who might be behind them, oh no. There I was walking along the street the womans stops dead in front of me without warning, just so she could turn her three-wheeler. And this incident didn’t go by without the usual, “do you mind, i’ve got a child in here”. They’ve paid a lot to have a wheel less than other pushchairs and they’re not going to let some childless adult get in their way without being told about it.