Death of Macbook Pro

Friday was a sad day, when packing away my things at work I placed my Macbook Pro on the side of the desk turned around and knocked it on the floor. Now my desk is quite high, about 4 foot in fact. The laptop took a 45 degree dive for the floor landing firmly on the corner by the hard drive. I’d slept the laptop so the drive was not spinning and it all powered up as expected.
When I got home things were not so good. The drive started getting io errors and while the machine would boot all applications crashed on launch.
After a painful file by file copy of any good data off the drive it was time to put a new drive in and see how things went. With a new harddrive in there everything was working perfectly. The case is still a little bent (by about 1/8th inch from end of end) but that should be fixable.