Monthly Archives: November 2008


Obama as 44th president of the United States of America. I really hoped it would happen but was skeptical. As someone living in America and intending on being here for a long time I can’t vote, but have been so excited to see the election unfold.

History got made and people will remember this day!

I thought this was interesting; loose all red

but then when you see the real view, it’s blue

Trust the good old BBC

Party at the Fotel

Forrest and Betty had their annual pre-holiday party on Sunday. It turned out to be a triple celebration, pre-holidays, belated birthday for Chester and Forrest and Betty are going to be parents! Woohoo!

Picture by Julie Pang

It’s voting time!

Nothing I can take part in, but these Americans get really into it. I’m surprised these Yes on 8 voters were not being stoned by passers by