Category Archives: Snip Bits

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Visiting Dave in SF

My school friend Dave was in town visiting his sister (and other friends).   We all met up in Fishermans Wharf for at the Crab House.  It’s been nearly two years since I’ve seen Dave but it was like it was yesterday.  After a spot of lunch we headed back to his sisters flat to chill out and catch up some more.  It’s nice to have friends pop into town now and then.  Hopefully next time Dave will give me a bit more notice and we’ll be able to spend longer visiting.

Oh no, not rain!

There’s a heavy rain storm in the bay area this morning.  The news is full of how bad it is, warning locals to “not drive unless absolutely necessary”, “situation is getting worse every minute”.  It’s amazing how much California’s fall apart with a little drop of rain.  Okay, this is a little more than normal in that there’s 3″ in 24 hours.  It’s probably due to global warming 😉

UPDATE: So it’s a little worse than I made out, it’s been raining for 2 days now, some people haven’t had power in over a day. In England this would just be brushed off as a usual storm.

Change of Style

I’ve decided to loose the old style (Flex) and replace it with a simple K2 theme.  Hope you like the new look.

New Years Eve

With New Years Eve approaching fast I couldn’t decide what to do. We settled on going to Rudi’s for dinner and drinks. Something mellow but a lot of fun!

Here’s me, clearly drunk by midnight.

(Full Photos here)

Brunch in Los Altos

To get over the hangover from drinking post Betty and Forests party we headed to Los Altos for brunch at the Italian Deli. Their sandwiches really are great.

After that I went with Nikki to Anthropology so she could pick up some new clothes from her fav. store.
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Installed Leopard

I’ve spent a lot of today installing Leopard on my home laptop. Before doing anything like this you should backup.
For a change I followed my own advise, using a firewire drive created a complete image of the drive. The installation was really simple and without trouble. I have to admit the DVD checking takes FOREVER! but it’s worth it given the result of any errors that could occur during the install.

Time for the holidays

It’s time for the holidays again. At 3pm on Friday I was quickly running out of enthusiasm for work, by 4pm my team were on the way across the parking lot to BJs. I couldn’t help it, that’s what I do on the afternoon of the last day before Christmas break. It was only a quick trip as most people had to head home. A few hours later Nikki and I ended up there again.

An Invention

I’ve come up with a new invention. They make those devices that you have to blow into to before the car will start after you get a DUI. Well, here in California most people don’t know how to drive. So my invention, is a similar device that won’t allow the car to drive for certain people if it’s raining. There, simple and effective!

Another British pub

For the second time in one weekend I was in a British pub. This time back in more familiar surroundings of the Rose and Crown in Palo Alto. They show most Premiership football games and I’d been trying to watch a Liverpool game there for nearly a year. My luck hasn’t been in on this, either my parents told me the score, i accidentally heard it on the radio or I needed to go into work. Well this time everything fell into place. The only down side was the Liverpool lost. 🙁

Duke of Edinburgh

I finally went to the Duke of Edinburgh pub in Cupertino. Said to be one of the best British pubs in the bay area. They do server Fullers, so bonus points there. As for food, I ordered the cornish pasty which was in the traditional form but the meat just doesn’t taste the same.

After dinner Nikki and I headed back to Rudi’s house to watch the movie SuperBad. It lived up to all my childish humor expectations.

Been sick

I’ve been sick for the last few days. As a result have not been able to catch up my blogging, a lot to report…. more here soon.

Goga’s wedding

Nikki’s friend from work had his wedding reception at a nice French restaurant in SF. Goga is Russian so there were lots of speeches in Russian and unusual food. A good night was had by all
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