Monthly Archives: August 2008

Temptation & Drinks at Zucca

Before going away to Tahoe, Nikki and I are spending the evening in downtown mountain view. Dinner at Temptation, which was amazing, followed by drinks at Zucca

Three new fish

After the sad departure of Pablo, we now have 3 new fish. Two are very shy.

Update: One of the fish didn’t look to well and unfortunately died 🙁

Got Green carded

Was a bit of a shock to find an approval notice for my greencard in the mail. Woohoo. Took Nikki out for a celebratory dinner at Trader Viks and then on to Uglys

Bad driving day

Was it let idiots drive day? I nearly had two people drive into me. Watched someone u-turn at a no u-turn, joined the freeway behind someone doing 25mph and found some of the worst parking


Stupid VW

Nikki’s car radio stopped working, nothing, only the tempting security light flashing away.

After extensive searching on the internet I found a forum post that explains all.  If the radio doesn’t power on you remove fuse #42 leave it out for 60 seconds.  The put it back in and turn the car on.   Hey Presto!  The radio was working again.